Free Web Proxy For Mac

Proxy servers are beneficial because they act as mediators between your computer and the internet. They make online requests for you, and then they return the requested information. If you want to create a proxy server yourself, know that it isn’t as difficult as it seems.

Read on for more details about proxy servers, their uses, and instructions for creating a proxy server. Note that this article will provide instructions for creating a proxy server using the Windows and Mac operating systems.

Proxy Servers 101

The freeware provides anonymous web proxy servers for web scraping. Extracted data will be hosted on’s servers for two weeks before being archived, or you can directly export the extracted data to JSON or CSV files. It offers paid services to meet your needs for getting real-time data. A web proxy allows you to browse the web anonymously and unblock your favorite websites without installing any software like a VPN. Our web proxy is free and supports the most popular websites, such as youtube, google, Facebook, Twitter, and adult entertainment websites. All your traffic is encrypted while browsing to make sure you stay anonymous.

What is a proxy server? It’s a mediator or a replacement server. It allows your computer to connect to the internet using a different IP address. In simple terms, proxy servers add an extra layer of privacy to your online presence and can also save a lot of bandwidth in certain situations.

When using a proxy, internet traffic and files can be compressed, and all the unnecessary parts can be left aside (e.g., annoying ads on web pages). Proxies are very useful to companies with a large number of employees on the same wireless network, as they can ease the bandwidth traffic of a single address.

Proxy servers are also faster because they look up cached website versions, without downloading any other unnecessary files. Proxy servers can be divided into two simple categories, private and public. Generally speaking, private proxies are much faster because fewer people use them. Private proxies are also far safer for the very same reason.

In terms of privacy and security, when compared to a VPN service, a proxy server is far less effective. If you’re looking for a VPN, check out NordVPN, it’s one of the fastest and safest virtual private networks.

The Uses of Proxy Servers

Proxy servers are mostly set up by schools, employers, and other places where there are a lot of people connected to the same network. Proxies give the owners of the network a better view and control of what’s going on.

To use the internet in a school, for example, you must connect to your school’s proxy network. Proxies are the reason why network administrators block many websites with ease. But what is defending the proxy server?

Well, it’s probably just a basic firewall. That’s how the sites are restricted, and nothing should penetrate the network. If there are any breaches to the firewall, you can bet they’re coming from malware or an intruder to your network.

You don’t need to own a business, or anything else to set up a proxy. Feel free to install it in your home, if you have multiple devices and want better control over the household’s internet use. Spoiler alert, your kids aren’t going to enjoy a proxy as much as you will!

How to Create a Proxy Server on Windows

There are two basic ways you can create a proxy server on a Windows computer. One is with an automated script, and the other method is manual. Let’s start with the instructions for using the script:

  1. On your Windows computer, launch the Settings (Start>Settings).
  2. Click on the Network and Internet option.
  3. Click on Proxy settings.
  4. Enable the Use Setup Script option.
  5. Enter the script address you were given (by your employer, school, or another server owner.) and select Save. You can then exit the settings, and the script should become effective immediately.

The other way around is creating a proxy server manually:

Proxy requests mac
  1. Once again, open your Windows Settings.
  2. Select Network and Internet options.
  3. Select Proxy.
  4. Enable Use a Proxy Server under the Manual Proxy Setup tab.
  5. Enter the IP under the Address tab, and the Port number in the appropriate field.
  6. When you’re done, Save the changes and exit this menu.

How to Create a Proxy Server on Mac

Creating a proxy server on Mac computers isn’t difficult either. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start the System Preferences menu.
  2. Select the Network tab.
  3. Find the Advanced option and select it.
  4. Then, select the Proxy option. Here, you can set up the proxy automatically if you choose the Auto Proxy Discovery, and your computer will configure everything on its own.
  5. Alternatively, you can do it manually. Then, you must click on the type of proxy, enter its port, and address in the appropriate fields (port is the smaller one). You might also need to enter the proxy server credentials in case the server is password protected.
  6. When you’re done, click on OK to save the changes and create the proxy.

You’ll notice various types of proxy servers. HTTP is the most popular one, but it isn’t very safe, while the HTTPS is a more stable version of HTTP. Finally, SOCKS has many uses, e.g. it’s excellent for torrents, but it’s significantly slower than other types of proxies.

Are Proxy Servers Enough?

Proxy servers are handy, depending on your needs. If your chief concern is security, and online privacy, then using a VPN service is a better choice. Still, proxies are very popular and have many uses. Schools and workplaces, for instance, couldn’t function without them.

Are you setting up a public or personal proxy server? Let us know in the comments section below and tell us if you’re satisfied with the results.

How to remove 'Proxy Virus' from Mac?

What is 'Proxy Virus'?

Proxy Virus (also known as MITM Proxy Virus) is a type of browser-hijacking program that has recently become popular. In order to spread this infection, cyber criminals often use various adware-type applications. In most cases, these infiltrate computers without users' permission. Adware is also likely to deliver intrusive advertisements and record information relating to browsing activity.


The initial adware installation process seems normal. After installation, however, users are presented with a deceptive pop-up message encouraging them to update the Safari web browser. After clicking 'OK', users are presented with another pop-up that asks users to enter account credentials. In this way, users might inadvertently grant adware permission to control the Safari browser. Additionally, rogue installers deploy a 'bash script' designed to connect to a remote server and download a .zip archive. The archive is then extracted and a .plist file contained within it is copied to the LaunchDaemons directory. The .plist file contains a reference to another file called 'Titanium.Web.Proxy.Examples.Basic.Standard'. Two additional scripts ('' and '') are executed after the next reboot. The '' script is designed to change the system proxy settings, thereby making it use HTTP/S proxy at 'localhost:8003'. The '' script is designed to install a trusted SSL certificate into the keychain. Cyber criminals responsible for this infection use Titanium Web Proxy - an open-source asynchronous HTTP(S) proxy writen in C Sharp (C#). Titanium Web Proxy it is a cross-platform proxy, meaning that it can run on various operating systems, including MacOS. The purpose of this infection is to hijack search engines. Cyber criminals use it to modify Internet search results. Using a proxy to achieve this is rather unusual, since cyber criminals typically employ fake search engines. They use various browser-hijacking applications to modify settings (e.g., new tab URL, default search engine, homepage) by assigning them to certain URLs. Promoted websites often seem normal and their design is usually similar to Bing, Yahoo, Google, and other legitimate search engines. Yet, fake search engines can generate results that lead to malicious websites. Moreover, noticing that such browser settings have been modified is simple because users continually encounter redirects to dubious sites. Using tools such as Proxy Virus is more difficult for these criminals, and yet also more reliable from their point of view. Cyber criminals also deliver fake search results by modifying the content of legitimate search engines. For instance, if a user attempts to search using the Google search engine, the entire website (URL, header, footer, etc.) is genuine, however, the infection modifies the result section. In this way, users are fed with fake results even though they search using legitimate engines. Ultimately, this behavior can lead to further high risk infections - users might inadvertently visit malicious websites. Additionally, cyber criminals use such tactics to increase the traffic of certain websites, which allows them to generate revenue through advertising. The presence of Proxy Virus significantly diminishes the browsing experience and can lead to further computer infections. As mentioned above, adware-type applications are designed to deliver advertisements (e.g., coupons, banners, pop-ups, etc.). These ads might also redirect to malicious websites and even run scripts designed to download/install other unwanted apps. Therefore, clicking them can also lead to installation of infectious apps. Additionally, ads are delivered using tools that enable placement of third party graphical content on any site. Therefore, they often conceal website content, thereby diminishing the browsing experience. Adware-type apps gather information such as IP addresses, website URLs visited, pages viewed, search queries, and other similar details, which are later shared with third parties (potentially, cyber criminals). These people generate revenue by misusing private data. Therefore, information tracking might eventually lead to serious privacy issues, or even identity theft. You are advised to remove all infections, including adware and Proxy Virus.

Threat Summary:
NameMITM Proxy virus
Threat TypeMac malware, Mac virus, Proxy hijacker, Search hijacker
Detection Names (Adobe Flash Player-3.dmg - Fake Adobe Flash Player installer)Avast (MacOS:Agent-EN [Drp]), BitDefender (Adware.MAC.Bundlore.DMM), Emsisoft (Adware.MAC.Bundlore.DMM (B)), Kaspersky (Not-a-virus:HEUR:AdWare.OSX.Bnodlero.q), Full List (VirusTotal)
SymptomsYou see inaccurate search results, your Mac and Internet speed become slower than normal, you see unwanted pop-up ads, you are redirected to dubious websites.
Distribution methodsDeceptive pop-up ads, free software installers (bundling), fake flash player installers, torrent file downloads.
DamageInternet browsing tracking (potential privacy issues), display of unwanted ads, redirects to dubious websites, loss of private information.
Malware Removal (Mac)

To eliminate possible malware infections, scan your Mac with legitimate antivirus software. Our security researchers recommend using Combo Cleaner.
▼ Download Combo Cleaner for Mac
To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited seven days free trial available. Combo Cleaner is owned and operated by Rcs Lt, the parent company of read more.

There are dozens of adware-type applications and browser hijackers online. Typically, these applications offer 'useful features' in attempts to give the impression of legitimacy and trick users to install, however, the only purpose of these applications is to generate revenue for the developers. Rather than giving any real value for regular users, PUAs cause redirects, deliver advertisements, modify settings, and record information.

How did potentially unwanted applications install on my computer?

Adware and browser-hijacking applications are usually proliferated via intrusive advertisements and a deceptive marketing method called 'bundling' - stealth installation of third party applications together with regular (usually free) software. Developers know that users often rush download/installation processes and skip steps. Therefore, 'bundled' apps are usually concealed behind 'Custom/Advanced' settings (or other sections) of these procedures. By carelessly skipping download/installation steps and clicking on advertisements, many users expose their systems to risk of infections and compromise their privacy.

How to avoid installation of potentially unwanted applications?

To prevent this situation, be very cautious when browsing the internet and downloading/installing software. We strongly recommend that you download your software from official sources only, preferably using direct download links. Third party downloaders/installers are typically monetized using the 'bundling' method, and thus such tools should never be used. Do some research before downloading unknown software just to confirm that it is legitimate and virus-free. Intrusive advertisements typically seem legitimate, however, once clicked, they redirect to dubious websites (gambling, adult dating, pornography, and similar). If you continually encounter these ads and redirects, remove all suspicious applications and browser plug-ins immediately. If your computer is already infected with PUAs, we recommend running a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus for macOS to automatically eliminate them.

Fake Adobe Flash Player installer promoting Proxy Virus (step 1):

Fake Adobe Flash Player installer promoting Proxy Virus (step 2):

Instant automatic Mac malware removal:Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Combo Cleaner is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of Mac malware. Download it by clicking the button below:
▼ DOWNLOAD Combo Cleaner for MacBy downloading any software listed on this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited seven days free trial available. Combo Cleaner is owned and operated by Rcs Lt, the parent company of read more.

Quick menu:

  • STEP 1. Remove PUA related files and folders from OSX.
  • STEP 2. Remove rogue extensions from Safari.
  • STEP 3. Remove rogue add-ons from Google Chrome.
  • STEP 4. Remove potentially unwanted plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox.

Video showing how to remove adware and browser hijackers from a Mac computer:

Potentially unwanted applications removal:

Remove potentially unwanted applications from your 'Applications' folder:

Click the Finder icon. In the Finder window, select 'Applications'. In the applications folder, look for 'MPlayerX','NicePlayer', or other suspicious applications and drag them to the Trash. After removing the potentially unwanted application(s) that cause online ads, scan your Mac for any remaining unwanted components.

Combo Cleaner checks if your computer is infected with malware. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited seven days free trial available. Combo Cleaner is owned and operated by Rcs Lt, the parent company of read more.

Remove mitm proxy virus related files and folders:

Click the Finder icon, from the menu bar. Choose Go, and click Go to Folder...


Check for adware-generated files in the /Library/LaunchAgents folder:

In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/LaunchAgents

In the “LaunchAgents” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious files and move them to the Trash. Examples of files generated by adware - “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”, etc. Adware commonly installs several files with the same string.

Check for adware generated files in the /Library/Application Support folder:

In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/Application Support

In the “Application Support” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious folders. For example, “MplayerX” or “NicePlayer”, and move these folders to the Trash.

Check for adware-generated files in the ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder:

In the Go to Folder bar, type: ~/Library/LaunchAgents

In the “LaunchAgents” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious files and move them to the Trash. Examples of files generated by adware - “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”, etc. Adware commonly installs several files with the same string.

Check for adware-generated files in the /Library/LaunchDaemons folder:

In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/LaunchDaemons

In the “LaunchDaemons” folder, look for recently-added suspicious files. For example “”, “”, '”, “com.avickUpd.plist”, etc., and move them to the Trash.


Scan your Mac with Combo Cleaner:

If you have followed all the steps in the correct order you Mac should be clean of infections. To be sure your system is not infected run a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus. Download it HERE. After downloading the file double click combocleaner.dmg installer, in the opened window drag and drop Combo Cleaner icon on top of the Applications icon. Now open your launchpad and click on the Combo Cleaner icon. Wait until Combo Cleaner updates it's virus definition database and click 'Start Combo Scan' button.

Combo Cleaner will scan your Mac for malware infections. If the antivirus scan displays 'no threats found' - this means that you can continue with the removal guide, otherwise it's recommended to remove any found infections before continuing.

After removing files and folders generated by the adware, continue to remove rogue extensions from your Internet browsers.

MITM Proxy virus removal from Internet browsers:

Remove malicious extensions from Safari:

Remove mitm proxy virus related Safari extensions:

Open Safari browser, from the menu bar, select 'Safari' and click 'Preferences...'.

In the preferences window, select 'Extensions' and look for any recently-installed suspicious extensions. When located, click the 'Uninstall' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Safari browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.

  • If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Safari.

Remove malicious plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox:

Remove mitm proxy virus related Mozilla Firefox add-ons:

Open your Mozilla Firefox browser. At the top right corner of the screen, click the 'Open Menu' (three horizontal lines) button. From the opened menu, choose 'Add-ons'.

Choose the 'Extensions' tab and look for any recently-installed suspicious add-ons. When located, click the 'Remove' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Mozilla Firefox browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.

  • If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Mozilla Firefox.

Top Proxy Application For Mac

Remove malicious extensions from Google Chrome:

Remove mitm proxy virus related Google Chrome add-ons:

Free Proxy Server For Mac

Open Google Chrome and click the 'Chrome menu' (three horizontal lines) button located in the top-right corner of the browser window. From the drop-down menu, choose 'More Tools' and select 'Extensions'.

Free Web Debugging Proxy For Mac

In the 'Extensions' window, look for any recently-installed suspicious add-ons. When located, click the 'Trash' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Google Chrome browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.

  • If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Google Chrome.

Free Proxy For Mac

Would this malware give the 'bad guys' access to victims' SSL traffic? Could passwords and VPN credentials be captured by this route?